Yoga Maat Posture

Dies ist ein englischsprachiger Workshop.

Immerse yourself in the ancient spiritual practice of Kemetic yoga under the guidance of experienced Kemetic yoga, music, somatics and holistic health practitioner Nane Kahle. After studying medicine, biology, connecting with an African healer and a Peruvian shaman, Nane Kahle continues her journey as a healer through the practice of Sema Tawi. And brings you a powerful and insightful session inspired by one of the ways it was practiced in ancient Egypt.

What is Tjef Seem Paut Neteru?

TSPN is an ancient practice that traverses a stream of consciousness that flows through dimensions, past, present, future, and consciousness, with the power to transform our reality. With an emphasis on conscious breathing, TSPN brings a different light to the mind, body and spirit connection.

A powerful somatic technique that brings out the importance of balance within oneself on multiple levels. Awareness of the connection within your inner world in a way that celebrates your autonomy in cultivating inner strength and peace.

What to expect?

A one and a half hour session in which conscious breathing, meditative postures with a safe and mindful approach. The sequence will offer different movements. The decision to stop at any point during the practice to take more time for a particular posture or movement is up to the practitioner. This practice differs from traditional yoga classes in the following ways: Emphasis on the science behind the movement, for a safe practice, mostly simple postures.

The practice of Kemetic Yoga "Sema Tawi" is a great help in stress management, it brings you a spiritual balance, an inner peace, a greater sense of well-being, as well as better physical fitness, respiratory function and blood circulation. It helps our body in its natural healing process, our organs to function at higher capacity, rebalances the structure of our bodies, helps with physical fatigue, strengthens our mind, helps with detoxification, strengthens the body and more. Open to all levels - beginners, advanced and professionals.

Zeit/Ort: Samstag, 29.10, von 12:00- 13:30 Uhr im Ballsaal 


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